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Promotional Campaign & Techniques for an Upcoming Album

Overview of the Music Video

The song chosen is by the German band, Fools Garden and the song is called Lemon Tree. The theme is boredom and loneliness. The actress, who will be dressed as a ragdoll/puppet, will act like a nutcase due to sheer boredom and loneliness. The video will also feature two puppets one female and the other male. The female is meant to be the puppet version of the actress who finds her love interest i.e. the male puppet at the end of the video. 

The target audience is all age groups. The song can be viewed by everyone.

Scottish singer-songwriter, Annie Lenox's Little Bird video as well as many of her other videos such as No more "I Love You's", Walking on Broken Glass, etc were the basis in the evolution of this idea.


-The Music Video should be completed tentatively by the end of January 2023.

-The Instagram page will be used for promotion through stories, Instagram grids etc. Some of this is to be done during production in order to create audience anticipation. Different scenes throughout the video and bloopers will also be added into the Instagram page along with a link to the website in the bio. The video is scheduled to be uploaded on YouTube in the future for audiences to have easier access. 

-A Digipack will be created and posted on the website. The brand name and symbol for the pack will be on each piece of work to ensure that the audience become familiar with the name.

-Medium Budget with necessary tools and equipment. However marketing will be done through mainly Instagram for merch etc. 

-Audiences will relate to the video due to the recent pandemic. This will add to audience engagement as many will want to write in/comment with their own stories of how they went out of their minds during Lockdown. The video is a funny take on isolation and it is meant to distract the viewer from any depression or hardship they may face in life.

-The use of two string, colourful puppets draws attention to the video as it is not very common nowadays. This may also attract very young viewers.

-The song's lyrics and the video are appropriate for all age groups. As there is no harsh language used or inappropriate scenes in the video it can be enjoyed by a wider audience. 

Promotional Techniques

A lot of artists share their content on social media, but most of them just post an entire song, and hope to get views. Unless one is an already famous artist, that is not going to work, because that is not how people browse the internet.

If one has a website or blog, embed the desired music video on it. It will help people who visit the site to view the video and learn more about the music. One can also share the music video on forums and discussion boards. It is a great way to get feedback from other people interested in the music. One should be active in the comments section of the music video and respond quickly to people’s comments and questions, and thank them for watching the video.

One's video description and hashtags can play a big role in its success. In the description,  one can list all the people who were involved in the creation of the video like the director, camera crew, editor and so on. Also, if it is not a lyric video, one can put the lyrics here so the fans have an official source to access them. One should also include links to the album on all streaming platforms, merchandise shop (if available) and other social media channels.


Most songs are around four minutes long, on average in this amount of time a typical internet user could have gone through 20 to 30 separate pieces of content. Most users are not going to spend four minutes of their time and attention on ONE piece of content from a creator they are not already fans of or familiar with. To make one's music video “go viral” one needs to creating short, “snackable” videos that are between 30 and 60 seconds long. Doing this is the key to getting views on music videos posted on social media.

Telling a complete story within that time maximizes engagement and increases viewers’ click-through-rates. For instance, electronic and funk artist Marc Rebillet generally does two-hour long concerts and live streams, but in order to popularize his channel, he created several shorter videos, carefully optimized to match people’s social media video preferences.













As a result his views skyrocketed, not just on YouTube, but also on Instagram and TikTok; his most popular song on YouTube still remains a 58-second video that he produced, which gained over 20 million views on YouTube and 2 million views on Instagram.

As of right now, short videos are the most potent weapons on the internet to gain visibility without spending on paid ads. A huge portion of the viewers who watch and liked the “snackable” videos are going to click-through to one's main profile and check out the other work. A huge opportunity could be missed if one is not making this sort of content. It is important to remember that making short videos does not and should not have to involve elaborate production or anywhere near the time and effort that goes into making full-length music videos. 


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