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The audience feedback was done at my school and I had asked  around 10 people (my peers and teachers) to come for a screening where I displayed my work and asked them for their honest feedback. The screening was about 15-20 minutes and I had recorded it as well as the feedback from the audience. The feedback I got from the audience was mostly positive as all them loved the acting and the overall idea of the video which I had hoped would be the case as the video is supposed to uplift the audience and give them hope and raise their spirits. I deliberately took feedback from different age groups to show that the video can be viewed by a really high percentage of the population. The focus group was conducted in school with the heads, my teachers and a few classmates and friends some of whom had not seen the video at all. The audience was of around 8-10 people. They viewed all three items and all of them seemed happy with the prices I put up in for items in the store. 

A few of the criticisms I received were that the lighting for the video needed more adjustment and that it needed more effects in the form of transitions and one specific effect needed to be removed. The editing is very basic and I mostly worked on the props and camera angles taken in the video, the audience seemed to get the idea of what I was trying to portray. 

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