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The success of a product relies on how well it is received by the audiences. Although the audience was mainly 40-59 year old females, I wanted to approach teens and even younger children and spark an interest in them for gardening.

After careful analysing and deliberation, over various gardening magazines and looking at how many people actually take an interest in their garden I was able to see how to go about my magazine. I went about gathering any information that would help me reach my desired demographic. I realized that today’s youth are interested in technology so using whatever editing skills I had, I tried to put that into making an image, to make them question how to turn everyday plants into art.

My design covers all aspects of a garden from seeds to flowers to ginormous pumpkins. All magazines of this genre had one thing in common i.e. the image was colourful and popping. Since social media is all the rage for teens I decided to take the technological route to distribute the product in order to promote it and get opinions from audiences that would be reading the magazine. The name, BLOSSOM, gives the audience a clue as to the genre of the magazine. I greatly depended upon my main image to draw attention. The fonts and way of expression, use of puns, etc are intended. Also I have tried to take all the many problems I have faced while gardening and turned them into articles to add personalization.

In order to engage the audience further, I have made it so that, they feel like they are having an actual conversation with someone while reading the magazine. Due to lack of one-on-one conversation (given the pandemic) it would provide the audience with some company even if it is only through a magazine. Problems faced by all while gardening, was written in the magazine and relatable situations are even talked about.

The magazine will be distributed through supermarkets at the cash counter, hair salons, dentist’s/doctor’s waiting rooms, bookstores, newsstands, makeshift stands outside educational institutes for students and parents interested in gardening. It will also be distributed by collaborating with nursery owners. The magazine would be published online through famous E-book websites, keeping in mind the current situation of the pandemic. The magazine would also be promoted through package deals with online shoppers as a bonus for first time customers.

Instagram and Snapchat are all the rage today, especially among youngsters who are tech savvy, so my magazine would also launch on these specific social media sites so as to create some type of commotion.    

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