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Audience Research & Analysis

In order to better understand my target audience I conducted a survey asking questions related to my genre; gardening. 

Audience Analysis

Survey conducted to see what the public would like to see in a gardening magazine the first few questions I asked were to gather knowledge and get an idea of what age group I was dealing with. My target audience which had a percentage of 60.61% was mostly middle age and very few teens, most of the audience was female (63.64%). 42.42% of this particular audience answered a ‘yes’ to whether they read magazines. In preferred magazine genre 12.12% of the audience chose gardening and not surprisingly 45.45% chose Fashion and Beauty. I have been gardening since I was able to walk and I do enjoy it so I chose this unique genre as I am passionate about it. In a question on what they (the audience) would like to grow more than 50% answered Herbs and vegetables. Buying a magazine requires some sort of attraction which 69.7% wanted to buy the magazine for its interesting contents! As right now technology is the easiest way to access information without having to pay for it so the audience preferred online gardening videos. The pandemic has brought to the forefront the need for conservation as a result it found that more than 50% percent of the audience thought that the importance of a garden is for the environmental impact it has. Unanticipated was the tie for the name of the garden magazine. Floral Factory, Botanical Building and Blossom each had 30.3%. Japanese Zen Garden 101 was favoured by 42.42% of the audience for the article they would like to see in the magazine. The survey revealed that not many people are interested in gardening so I have decided to stick with my genre as it is different and unique form what other bloggers decide to do.

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